What’s up this week with Jasmine- Bone Health Health – Men’s Health – photos with different angle | EP. 28
Sur ma page Facebook, chaque semaine, je donne des nouvelles de ce que j’apprends. J’alterne entre le français et l’anglais.
On my Facebook page, every week, I give news of what I learn. I alternate between French and English.
What’s up this week with Jasmine
Bone Health Health – Men’s Health – photos with different angle | EP. 28
Bone Health with Dr. Shirin Hooshmand – helps to understand importance of bone health – for the bones and the body
Snacks that help bone health
Bones need more than calcium
Protein and bone health
Men’s Health with Dr. Richard Brouse
- Preventive health maintenance
- Essential skills for vitality
- Mental health and stress relief
- Optimized nutrition
Taking photos for your online business? Why not upside down? (a photo of my ‘chuna’, Dr. Daggy’s version of a plant-based version of tuna salad)
Vitality for Life Newsletter et Wellness Center: https://jasminelabreche.yourwellnessproject.com/wellness-center/login
Webcast – June 15, Men’s Health Masterclass with Dr. Richard Brouse, 8 p.m. ET: https://www.livesyoutouch.com/wellness-webinar
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1494351227966793
Articles and videos: in Wellness Center, Newsletter or contact me to get the links.
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