In the last episode, I talked about a link between cleaning products and kids’ health.

This week, I talk about mental shifts with regards to our health. I included a clip from the webcast.

I also talk about a mental shift I had, early in my mom career, about how to raise our children, thanks to my mom.

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📚 Summer is not gone yet! **Articles on outdoor and fitness** that you can find in my Wellness Center: (or contact me for the links)

  1.  “6 Essential Summer Must-Haves”
  2. “3 Sports Products I Swear By”
  3. “3 Reasons a Sports Drink is a Must on a Hot Day”

🎥  **Next webcast**: The Telomere Story with Dr Bruce Daggy, September 18, 8 p.m.

🔗 To save your spot: (you will receive the replay by email)

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